
Snow Day

Check out this story & the accompanying photo of the Nelson boys! :-)

After foot of snow, Wisconsin heads for deep freeze The Janesville Gazette Janesville, Wisconsin, USA


Long time, no entry

Well - - it has been a looong time since I have posted anything to this blog. Still don't know if this blogging thing is for me..... Don't think my life is interesting enough. Also, I'm not really an authority on anything - so, no real DEEP pontificating here either. More than anything - - I guess it is just a place to keep track of what is happening w/ me. Soooo, w/o further ado....


60 Minutes to feature Strang, Powell, P.O.D. & West

Okay folks - -

Set your DVRs - (okay, if your "old school" VCRs) 60 Minutes will be running a segment Rocking for Christ on Wed., Dec. 8th @ 7:00 PM (CST).The piece focuses on the sudden emergence of Christians in mainstream entertainment. Cameron Strang (Relevant Magazine) will provide the color commentary. The piece also features interviews with Kanye West, P.O.D. and Mac Powell of Third Day ...


How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

It's never too late to become a U2 fan. If you haven't given them credence before, now may be the time to start! After numerous listens to their just released How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - I can't believe the music these guys make still stirs me like it did when I got my first U2 album, (yes, vinyl) War, in 1983.For a great reviews & a little (lot of) insight in to their inspiration for this disc, go HERE.


Sliding Again?...

It's deja vu all over agin.... The Vikes look like they are on their way to another slide - - just like last year.

Hopefully, they can get the ship "righted" against the Lions!!...


The Incredibles

Have you seen this movie? If not, get to it!!! This is the BEST animated movie to come out in a long time. I haven't enjoyed a PIXAR flick this much since Toy Story, or maybe Monster's, Inc. Anyway, this is a such a great movie for families to see together.

I don't want to give away the whole story, but it is pretty clever how the story is developed - Super Heroes in action, Super Heroes get sued for saving those who do not want to be saved, Super Heroes get "banned" from doing their work.... Leaving them to blend in to society under a "witness protection plan" type environment..... Suffice it to say, that putting Super Heroes in to suburbian, married life, with kids - - creates all kinds of great plot twists.

If you'd like a brief snippet on a couple of thoughts I had check this out!

- - wHw - -


1st Post

test 1-2-3

This is where I work.